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๐Ÿ’ณ Supermarket loyalty cards

Supermarkets have customer loyalty cards to collect customers shopping behaviour data

Benefits to the businessโ€‹

It ensures that the customers keep coming back and helps boost customer retention.

It helps businesses compete for customers by offering better loyalty card schemes.

Creates a better experience for customers when they get a discount.

Allows businesses to communicate with their customers better.

They can advertise and market products to certain people who may appreciate it more

Stock certain products in different location, based on market research.


I think it is ethical because you signed up for it and you are getting a discount. It would be unfair to get a discount and for the company to not gain anything.

Ethical for the businesses to share this information?โ€‹

I donโ€™t think its ethical for a business to share data about their customers with other people or businesses. It should be an option for the customer that they can opt in or out easily, and they should be able to know what data is being shared.